Children are peculiar beings. They display temperaments and personalities at very young ages without us knowing why or how they acquired them.
We are taught by science that genetics play a key role, as well as the environment that the child is living in.
But for children to have special abilities and deeper understandings of the world come as an enigma to many, and sometimes, even the scientific world.
What is Indigo Child?
The term Indigo Child was coined by intuitive psychic and parapsychologist Nancy Anne Tappe in the 1970’s. It was during the 60’s that Tappe noticed a certain aura with children, an “indigo” aura that made them absolutely different from any other child.
This New Age concept was further discussed by Tappe in her book, “Understanding Your Life Through Color,” and later popularized by the husband and wife duo, Lee Carroll and Jan Tober, who later wrote the book, “The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived.”
So what is an indigo child?
An indigo child is someone who possesses special and unusual characteristics, such as supernatural abilities and a higher intellect than most kids their age.
Although there has never been any scientific credibility on their actual existence or if the auras are actually real, the concept has become a popular means to explain the personalities and behaviors of children who are rather odd or have special skills.
Critics of the belief say that labeling a child “indigo” appeals to many parents simply because they want to have a special explanation to their children’s strange behaviors.
Critics have also said that the concept is only an excuse so parents can avoid proper psychological diagnosis for their children.
Nevertheless, true or not, the world has continued to embrace the phenomenon, with numerous films being made of such special children, as well as an international conference that began in 2002 in Hawaii.
At this gathering were 600 attendees of alleged indigo children. Consequent conferences have also occurred in Florida and Oregon.
What are Indigo Children Characteristics?
Critics have slammed believers for the vague characteristics given by Tappe and other experts on the matter. Whether the indigo aura exists or not, you might want to take a look into these characteristics to see if you, your child, or someone you know shows these behaviors.
Indigo Child Test
Here is a list of an Indigo Child’s behavior and temperament:
- Empathic to people’s emotions and thoughts, as well as that of animals;
- Curious – always wanting to explore, discover, and ask the question “Why”;
- Strong willed and have strong personalities;
- Perceived by people as strange or odd;
- Have a strong sense of entitlement – like they know what their value is;
- Shows an understanding of his own spirituality at early childhood;
- Feels like an “old soul” or that they’re older than they really are;
- Loves to work by himself – enjoys isolation;
- Bonds easily with animals or plants;
- Looks for deep and lasting friendships over a large number of friends;
- Creative and have a penchant for music, art, or anything that requires creativity;
- Are easily bored and are always looking for things to do;
- Are easily agitated and anxious, have difficulty sleeping due to restlessness;
- Have a high intelligence quotient;
- Resistance to rigid structures of authority;
- Have a strong desire to break down organisations and rules that lack integrity;
- Have a history of seeing ghosts or aliens;
If someone has at least 14 of these characteristics, then he or she may be an indigo child.
To summarize, a child may be an indigo child when he has problems with authority that seem questionable.
They can be deemed as being stubborn, not because they want to rebel, but because they want to correct something that doesn’t have integrity.
They often do bad in school because of this, since they have a feeling of being beyond authority. When they see that a person such as a teacher is not being authentic, then they will show defiance.
These children have a feeling that they have a mission to correct the world’s rules and systems when they deem them wrong, and thus, are often seen as problematic.
They also have issues with anger or rage, because they have an inherent feeling of being superior and being highly confident. When someone looks down on them or abuses them, they often go into full rage.
Indigo children are often diagnosed with ADD or ADHD by doctors.
How To Know If a Child Has the Indigo Aura?
The characteristics are a guideline to determine if a child has the aura of indigo. But to make the distinction better, here are the questions you can ask yourself or the parents of a certain child:
1. Does he feel like he’s different from other children?
What does indigo mean?
Indigo children often feel like an alien – like they belong to another planet or different dimension. They have an immense feeling of being out of place, and they often seek to explore other lands to find their home.
As adults, these children have a tendency to move from one place to another, trying to find the perfect fit or the perfect sensation of being home.
2. Does he have sudden bursts of anger or rage?
Indigo children hate it when they are wronged. They have feelings of grandiosity and are often angered when they are being questioned or when people look down on them.
3. Do they resist and question authority?
When they are told what to do, they often ask the question, “Why.” They do not immediately follow authority, and sometimes even oppose them. This explains why they don’t do well in school, and as indigo adults, they don’t hold employment very well.
Indigo children as adults often have alternative careers such as being entrepreneurs, becoming writers, artists, or any field that doesn’t require them to follow orders.
4. Do they act differently at home and at school?
An Indigo child is very authentic – he will often show people who he is and not wear social masks. They also tend to seek other indigo children when seeking friendships.
5. Does the child report psychic experiences?
Does the child talk about seeing ghosts or angels, hearing voices, or having premonitions?
Does the child talk about seeing their bodies lying in bed, or have nightmares or vivid dreams?
Most indigo children have psychic or supernatural abilities.
Some children have physical psychic abilities such as electronic appliances turning on or off when they pass by, or watches stopping time when they get near.
6. Does he tell you about his mission or goals?
An indigo child will feel like he has to accomplish something – that he has to fulfil a mission. He may not know or tell you what it is exactly, but he knows that he is meant to change something or that he’s meant for great things.
If you answer yes to all of these questions, then the child might be an indigo child.
What are Crystal and Rainbow Children? How do They Differ from the Indigo Child?
Aside from the Indigo child, other children that possess certain special characteristics also have specific auras. Let’s explore the Crystal and the Rainbow Child.
1. The Crystal Children
This child is the complete opposite of the Indigo Child.
He or she is harmonious and cooperative, and are said to be the saviours of the world. They are blissful and generally happy, and follow a secure and safe path.
Because their understanding of the world goes beyond verbal communication, they are often seen as autistic. Their speech are also often delayed, with the average Crystal child being able to speak at 3 to 5 years old.
They often have large eyes and have a special affinity to music since they operate at a higher consciousness beyond verbal language. They also have very little material needs and are content with life in general. They rarely get angry and are seen as agents of harmony and unification.
2. The Rainbow Child
These children are called such because they have auras made up of a spectrum of colors.
They are always cheerful and bring joy to any household. They are full of forgiveness and mercy, are empathic and have the special ability of reading someone’s thoughts and feelings.
Despite being gentle and joyful, they have strong personalities and are strong-willed. They are drawn to bright colors, and are very enthusiastic about life purpose.
They are essentially fearless and see the good in everything. They are also able to express their needs and wants at a very young age, eliminating the development of frustration, grudges, and anger.
These children are also natural healers, which allow them to heal their physical and emotional wounds faster than most children.
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Although scientific data is hard to come by to prove these aura colors, they are concepts and phenomenon that are hard to ignore.
Nancy Anne Tappe herself was incredibly good at matching a person’s personality by “looking” at their auras.
If you have a child or know one who may display some of these characteristics, it won’t hurt that you take a look at their behavior and match them with these auras so you can better understand them and essentially be able to help them develop into the people they are meant to be.