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Full Moon in April 2024 – Pink Moon: Significance and Viewing Tips

by | Feb 4, 2024

Date and Time of the fourth full moon of 2024 :

Full Moon Date: Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Peak Illumination: 7:48 p.m. EST
Name: Pink Moon

CheckList of all the Full Moons in 2024

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April’s full moon, often called the Pink Moon, will paint the skies with its brilliance on the night of April 23, 2024. This moon is distinguished not only by the springtime blossoms that give it its name but also by its cultural and scientific significance. April’s full moon signals a transition in seasons, providing a perfect time for stargazers and nature enthusiasts alike to experience the night sky’s enchanting display.

As the Pink Moon reaches its peak illumination at 7:48 P.M. Eastern Time, it invites observers to reflect on the season’s renewal and the rhythms of the natural world. This celestial event encourages a closer look into the fascinating cycles of the moon and serves as a prompt for various festivities and traditional observations tied to its occurrence. For those inclined towards the scientific aspects, understanding the Pink Moon involves delving into lunar phases, the details of lunar illumination, and the specific orbital mechanics at play.

Key Takeaways

  • The Pink Moon will fully illuminate on April 23, 2024, at 7:48 P.M. Eastern Time.
  • The moon is named for the spring flowers that bloom during this season.
  • Observation tips, cultural significance, and scientific details enhance the Pink Moon experience.

April 2024’s Pink Moon Details

The Pink Moon in April 2024 will captivate sky-watchers with its peak brilliance and its traditional signal of spring. As the second full moon following the March equinox, it’s an eagerly awaited celestial event.

Date and Time

April 23, 2024, marks the arrival of the Pink Moon, which is set to achieve full illumination at 7:48 P.M. EDT. This means the optimal viewing time for observers will be during the evening.


Visible throughout the night, the Pink Moon will be a spectacle accessible to most across the Northern Hemisphere without needing any telescopes. In the Southern Hemisphere, the Moon will also be visible, but it will be significantly lower in the sky.

  • Moonrise and Moonset Times:
    • Moonrise: Varies by location; check local guides
    • Moonset: The following morning; times vary depending on the observer’s location

Moon’s Position

The celestial longitude where the Pink Moon peaks in April 2024 will be near Spica’s bright stars and a little farther from Antares, enhancing the night sky view. The exact position will vary based on the observer’s location but generally can be found in the constellation of Libra.

  • Coordinates:
    • Right Ascension: 13h 53m 55.6s
    • Declination: -4° 11′ 19″

Significance of the Pink Moon

The Pink Moon in April is a cultural and agricultural marker, revered for its timing and the natural phenomena it symbolizes.

Cultural Relevance

Full moons serve as a celestial calendar in various cultures, and the Pink Moon is no exception. For Native Americans, this moon often marks the emergence of pink phlox, a wildflower native to North America. Such lunar nomenclature is not just limited to Native American calendars; Colonial Americans adopted many of these names as well. The Pink Moon also aligns closely with significant religious events, like Easter, known as the “Paschal Full Moon,” and Passover, sometimes called the “Passover Moon.”

Names and Symbolism

The Pink Moon is synonymous with the blooming of spring flowers. It carries various names such as the Sprouting Grass Moon, Egg Moon, Fish Moon, and the Moon When The Geese Lay Eggs, each reflecting the resurgence of life. These names embody the relationship between lunar phases and seasonal changes within the environment.

Agricultural Importance

Agriculturally, the Pink Moon heralds a time to begin sowing seeds. It’s a period that promises growth, as indicated by alternate names like the Seed Moon and the Growing Moon. This lunar event historically informed farmers of the right time to plant crops, emphasizing its role in agricultural planning and the lunar cycle’s impact on farming.

Astronomical Perspective

From an astronomical viewpoint, the Pink Moon is simply the full moon of April, but it can sometimes coincide with a supermoon, when the moon is at its closest point to Earth, appearing larger and brighter. Phenomena such as a blue moon, the second full moon in a calendar month, do not typically relate to the April full moon due to its position in the lunar cycle.

Scientific Aspects of the Pink Moon

The Pink Moon in April 2024 illuminates the sky with its unique hue and brightness tied to its position and phase in the lunar cycle. Key elements include its distinctive phases, orbit, and the scientific reasons behind its luminosity and coloration.

Phases of the Moon

Full Moon in April: The April Pink Moon will reach full phase on April 23, 2024, when the Moon is positioned directly opposite the Earth from the Sun, fully illuminated by the Sun’s rays. The lunar cycle includes several key phases: the New Moon on April 8, the First Quarter Moon on April 15, and the Last Quarter Moon on April 1.

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Lunar Orbit

The lunar orbit is elliptical, causing the Moon’s distance from Earth to vary. The point where the Moon is closest to Earth is called perigee and can result in a supermoon if it coincides with the full moon phase. However, the full moon in April 2024 does not qualify as a supermoon as the full phase does not align with perigee timing.

Luminosity and Color

The Pink Moon’s luminosity indicates its brightness as observed from Earth, dependent on both the Sun’s reflection and the Earth’s atmosphere. Despite its name, the April full moon seldom appears pink. The term “Pink Moon” originates from the pink flowers, specifically a wildflower known as wild ground phlox, that bloom during this season. The actual color of the lunar surface may vary slightly due to atmospheric conditions, but it typically exhibits a grayish hue.

Cultural Associations

The Full Moon in April has deep-rooted historical significance and varying cultural meanings across different societies. From Native American tribes to modern interpretations, the Pink Moon holds an array of symbolic associations and folklore.

Native American Tribes

Native American tribes traditionally recognized the April Full Moon as the Pink Moon, named after the herb moss pink or wild ground phlox. This brightly colored bloom is one of North America’s earliest widespread spring flowers. Various tribes would interpret the appearance of this moon as a sign to begin planting seeds.

Colonial American Influence

Colonial Americans adopted many of the Native American full moon names, with the April Full Moon becoming widely known as the Pink Moon. Aside from agriculture, this time also indicated the right moment to fish shad, an abundant type of fish during this period.

European Traditions

In Europe, the full moon names often reflected local flora and fauna. The April Full Moon was sometimes called the Egg Moon, symbolizing new life in spring or the rebirth associated with Easter, which can fall around the time of the Pink Moon. Celts and other European cultures also had unique names for this moon, signifying the importance of spring.

Modern Interpretations

Today, the Pink Moon has been popularized through various moon apps and online platforms, expanding public interest in lunar events. Neo-pagan and Celtic groups continue to celebrate the moon, now often relating it to fertility and renewal themes in keeping with springtime rituals.

Mythology and Folklore

Myths surrounding the Pink Moon vary by culture. It is often seen as a time for growth and rejuvenation, aligning with the spring season. Some mythology ties the Pink Moon to themes of balance and transition, reflecting seasonal shifts essential to life cycles.

The Pink Moon’s cultural associations present a tapestry of traditions and meanings. Each interpretation contributes to our understanding of how human societies have looked to the same celestial phenomenon and created diverse cultural significance.

Observation Tips

Viewing the Full Pink Moon in April 2024 is a delightful experience. The observer’s location, timing, and equipment play crucial roles in the quality of the observation.

Best Time to View

The Pink Moon will rise on the evening of April 23, 2024. To ensure the best visibility, viewers should consult a full moon calendar or lunar calendar specific to their location to determine the exact moonrise and moonset times. Peak illumination will occur at 7:48 P.M. local time (ON, Canada), making it an ideal time to gaze upon the moon. It’s important to note that times may vary slightly depending on one’s geographical position.

what is a pink moon

Equipment Recommendations

While the Full Moon is visible to the naked eye, using a telescope can enhance the viewing experience, revealing finer details on the lunar surface. Beginners may find a simple refractor telescope adequate, while more experienced enthusiasts might opt for a giant reflector telescope. Attaching a moon tab or camera to the telescope is recommended for those who wish to capture the moment.

  • Telescopes:
    • Refractor Telescopes: Good for beginners. (Buy here)
    • Reflector Telescopes: Better for detailed lunar observations. (Buy here)
  • Attachments:
    • Moon Tab: For smartphone photography through the telescope.
    • Camera Adapter: For DSLR or mirrorless cameras.

Finding The Pink Moon

An observer does not need to have extensive astronomical knowledge to locate the Pink Moon. The most important factor is a clear, open sky, free from obstructions like tall buildings or trees. The moon will be positioned opposite the sun, which will be easily visible in the eastern sky around the moonrise and move westward throughout the night. No special moon tab or device is needed to find the moon if one is looking to enjoy the view.

Impact on Earth

The April Full Moon, commonly known as the Pink Moon, exerts its influence on Earth through its effects on tides, wildlife behavior, and human activities. This section explores how the Pink Moon impacts these different aspects of life on Earth.

Effect on Tides

Tides experience significant changes during a full moon. The moon’s gravitational pull is at its peak, resulting in high tides that are higher than usual, called spring tides. Conversely, low tides are particularly low. This means a noticeable increase in tidal range for coastal areas, which can have both beneficial and adverse consequences for marine life and human maritime activities.

Influence on Wildlife

Wildlife, mainly nocturnal or oceanic species, shows varied responses to the full moon. Anecdotes suggest that earthworms become more active during the full moon, providing ample feeding opportunities for birds as they prepare to lay eggs. The Pink Moon also aligns with the time when geese lay eggs, indicating a seasonal shift and influencing reproductive cycles. Additionally, it has been termed the “Fish Moon,” as some fish species may spawn during this phase due to increased nocturnal light.

Human Considerations

The full moon’s impact on humans is a subject of ongoing research. It is often thought to affect sleep patterns due to increased brightness at night. Although empirical studies provide mixed results, some individuals report sleep disturbances around the time of a full moon. Furthermore, there is a popular belief that the full moon influences menstruation cycles, but scientific evidence does not consistently support this claim. Despite the lack of conclusive data, many cultures have traditional practices linked to the lunar cycle.

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Full Moons of the Year

Throughout the year, the lunar calendar is marked by a sequence of full moons, each with its unique name and characteristics. These natural events are important for cultural and agricultural reasons and offer a spectacular view for stargazers.

april full moon

A Guide to Full Moons

The lunar cycle spans approximately 29.5 days, during which the moon goes through various phases, culminating in the full moon. For those tracking these events, a full moon calendar is an invaluable tool, providing exact dates and times for each full moon. The cycle begins with the Wolf Moon in January, followed by the Snow Moon in February, and the Worm Moon in March, which signifies the thawing of soils. The Pink Moon in April heralds the appearance of the wild ground phlox, a pink flower that blooms in spring. As the year progresses, the Flower Moon in May, Strawberry Moon in June, and Buck Moon in July mark the unfolding summer.

The latter half of the year features the Sturgeon Moon in August, aptly named for the large fish that were more readily caught now. The Corn Moon and Harvest Moon follow in September, indicating the time to harvest crops. The Hunter’s Moon in October provides extended light, which historically benefitted hunters. In November, the Beaver Moon denotes the time to set beaver traps before waters freeze over, and the cycle concludes with the Cold Moon in December, reflecting the cold weather setting in.

Special Moons

Some full moons have distinctive attributes making them stand out. For instance, a Blue Moon is the additional full moon that appears in a season and occurs approximately every 2.5 years. Moreover, supermoons are a phenomenon during which the moon is at its closest approach to Earth, making it appear larger and brighter. This close approach, or perigee, results in supermoon events that are highly anticipated for their impressive visibility.

The term “moon of the red grass” is less common but refers to the Harvest Moon due to the reddish appearance of the moon when viewed through a thicker atmosphere near the horizon. In 2024, the lunar calendar includes several supermoons, such as the Super Pink Moon in April 2024, which promises an astoundingly luminous night sky visible to countless observers around the globe.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The April 2024 Pink Moon carries with it a plethora of mystical associations and astrological implications that are of interest to many.

1. What is the spiritual significance of the Pink Moon in April 2024?

The Pink Moon in April 2024, named after the blossoming of pink phlox flowers, is often associated with rebirth and renewal in spiritual circles. It symbolizes the awakening of nature after winter’s slumber.

2. How can one perform a ritual during the Pink Moon in April 2024?

Individuals interested in performing rituals during the Pink Moon might focus on themes of growth and new beginnings. Lighting a pink candle or writing intentions for spring are common practices.

3. What does the Pink Moon in April 2024 signify in astrology?

Astrologically, the Pink Moon in April 2024 is an opportune time to embrace change and let go of what no longer serves a purpose. It is a moment to harness the Moon’s energizing influence for personal development.

4. What are the expected impacts of the Pink Moon in April 2024 on different zodiac signs?

Each zodiac sign may feel the impacts of the Pink Moon differently, with some experiencing heightened emotions and clarity. It’s a period when the universe may seem to urge all signs to reflect and rejuvenate.

5. How rare is a pink moon?

The Pink Moon itself is not rare as it is a regular occurrence every year. However, it’s unique in that it heralds the spring season and carries the period’s blooming visuals and energetic shift.

6. How often do Pink Moons occur and when was the last one before April 2024?

Pink Moons occur annually as part of the natural lunar cycle. The last Pink Moon before April 2024 would have appeared in April of the previous year, continuing the cycle of springtime full moons.


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