Beauty lies within the eye of the beholder, but certain words can accurately express a woman’s beauty. No matter your reason for complimenting her appearance, personality or character there’s bound to be one suitable expression. Here are some words beginning with different letters of the alphabet that you can use to show your admiration or affection for the girl of your dreams.
Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with A
- Adorable: very cute and charming; inspiring love or affection.
- Alluring: very attractive or tempting; enticing or seductive.
- Amazing: causing great surprise or wonder; astonishing or remarkable.
- Angelic: having the qualities of an angel; pure, innocent, or lovely.
- Appealing: attractive or pleasing; arousing interest or desire.
- Astonishing: extremely surprising or impressive; amazing or astounding.
- Attractive: pleasing to the eye or mind; having qualities that draw attention or admiration.
- Audacious: showing a willingness to take bold risks; daring or fearless.
- Awesome: extremely impressive or excellent; inspiring awe or admiration.
- Awe-inspiring: causing a feeling of respect, wonder, or admiration; amazing or magnificent.
Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with B
- Bashful: shy or timid; showing modesty or embarrassment.
- Beaming: smiling brightly or radiantly; expressing joy or happiness.
- Beautiful: pleasing to the eye or mind; having qualities that delight or enchant.
- Beguiling: charming or enchanting; captivating or fascinating.
- Bewitching: casting a spell over someone; enchanting or captivating.
- Blazing: shining brightly or intensely; displaying great passion or energy.
- Blissful: extremely happy or joyful; full of bliss or delight.
- Blossoming: developing or growing; flourishing or thriving.
- Breathtaking: astonishing or awe-inspiring; stunning or spectacular.
- Brilliant: very bright or radiant; very clever or talented; outstanding or remarkable.
Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with C
- Captivating: attracting and holding the attention or interest; charming or fascinating.
- Charming: very pleasant or delightful; having a magic-like quality that attracts or delights.
- Cheerful: showing or feeling happiness or optimism; bright or lively.
- Classy: elegant or stylish; having or showing high standards or good taste.
- Comely: pleasant to look at; attractive or handsome.
- Confident: having or showing self-assurance or certainty; bold or assertive.
- Cool: calm or composed; fashionable or trendy; excellent or awesome.
- Courageous: having or showing courage; brave or fearless.
- Creative: having or showing the ability to create or invent; original or imaginative.
- Cute: attractive in a pretty or endearing way; adorable or charming.
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Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with D
- Dainty: delicately small and pretty; elegant or refined.
- Daring: adventurous or bold; willing to take risks or try new things.
- Dazzling: extremely bright or impressive; stunning or brilliant.
- Delicate: fine or fragile; graceful or elegant; sensitive or gentle.
- Delightful: causing or feeling delight; very pleasant or enjoyable.
- Divine: of or like God or a god; heavenly or sublime; excellent or wonderful.
- Dreamy: heavenly, having a quality of dream or fantasy; lovely or enchanting; vague or impractical.
- Dulcet: sweet or pleasing to the ear; melodious or harmonious.
- Dynamic: characterized by constant change or activity; energetic or forceful.
- Dynamite: very impressive or exciting; explosive or powerful.
Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with E
- Elegant: graceful or refined in appearance or behavior; stylish or sophisticated.
- Enchanting: delightfully charming or attractive; captivating or bewitching.
- Endearing: inspiring love or affection; adorable or lovable.
- Energetic: having or showing a lot of energy; active or lively.
- Engaging: charming or attractive; interesting or appealing.
- Enthralling: capturing and holding one’s attention; fascinating or captivating.
- Enticing: attractive or tempting; alluring or seductive.
- Epic: grand or impressive; heroic or legendary; awesome or amazing.
- Ethereal: extremely delicate or refined; heavenly or celestial; sublime or exquisite.
- Exotic: originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country; strikingly different or unusual; exciting or attractive.
- Eye-catching: visually appealing or striking, easily drawing attention due to its attractive or conspicuous nature.
Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with F
- Fabulous: extraordinary or marvelous; wonderful or amazing.
- Fair: beautiful or lovely; just or impartial; light or pale.
- Fancy: elaborate or ornate; elegant or stylish; imaginative or whimsical.
- Fantastic: extraordinarily good or attractive; marvelous or wonderful; imaginative or fanciful.
- Fascinating: extremely interesting or captivating; enchanting or alluring.
- Fetching: attractive or pleasing; charming or captivating.
- Fiery: having the color or quality of fire; passionate or intense; spirited or lively.
- Fine: of high quality or standard; excellent or superb; elegant or refined.
- Flawless: without any flaws or defects; perfect or impeccable.
- Flirty: behaving in a way that shows a sexual attraction; playful or teasing.
Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with G
- Gallant: brave or heroic; courteous or chivalrous.
- Gentle: kind or tender; mild or soft; moderate or calm.
- Glamorous: attractive or exciting; stylish or fashionable; dazzling or alluring.
- Gleaming: shining brightly or radiantly; sparkling or glittering.
- Glorious: having or deserving glory; magnificent or splendid; wonderful or delightful.
- Glowing: emitting or reflecting light; radiant or luminous; expressing or showing great happiness or health.
- Gorgeous: very beautiful or attractive; stunning or splendid.
- Graceful: having or showing grace; elegant or refined; smooth or fluid.
- Gracious: courteous or kind; generous or benevolent; pleasant or agreeable.
- Grand: impressive or magnificent; splendid or superb; important or noble.
Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with H
- Handsome: pleasing to the eye; attractive or good-looking; substantial or generous.
- Happy: feeling or showing happiness; cheerful or joyful; fortunate or lucky.
- Heart Stopping: is an expression used to describe something so astonishing, breathtaking, or beautiful that it momentarily takes one’s breath away and causes a racing heart or a pause in one’s thoughts or actions due to sheer admiration or awe-inspiring beauty.
- Heavenly: of or relating to heaven; divine or sublime; delightful or blissful.
- Hypnotic: producing or relating to hypnosis; mesmerizing or captivating; fascinating or enchanting.
- Harmonious: forming a pleasing or consistent whole; agreeable or compatible; peaceful or orderly.
- Heartwarming: causing or feeling warm and pleasant emotions; touching or moving; comforting or reassuring.
- Heroic: having or showing the qualities of a hero; brave or courageous; noble or admirable.
- Hilarious: extremely amusing or funny; causing or provoking laughter.
- Honest: truthful or sincere; fair or just; genuine or authentic.
- Honorable: deserving or showing honor; respectable or reputable; noble or dignified.
Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with I
- Ideal: satisfying one’s conception of what is perfect; most suitable or desirable; existing only in the imagination; perfect or flawless.
- Illuminating: providing or casting light; enlightening or informative; brilliant or radiant.
- Imaginative: having or showing creativity or inventiveness; original or innovative; fanciful or visionary.
- Impressive: evoking admiration or respect; remarkable or outstanding; striking or splendid.
- Incredible: hard to believe; astonishing or amazing; extraordinary or marvelous.
- Independent: free from outside control or influence; self-reliant or self-sufficient; confident or assertive.
- Indomitable: impossible to subdue or defeat; invincible or unconquerable; resolute or determined.
- Ingenious: clever or inventive; original or innovative; skillful or resourceful.
- Innocent: not guilty of a crime or offense; free from moral wrong; naive or harmless.
- Inspiring: having the effect of inspiring someone; stimulating or motivating; uplifting or encouraging.
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Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with J
- Jazzy: lively or spirited; stylish or fashionable; colorful or flashy.
- Jewel: a precious or semi-precious stone; a valuable or treasured person; a beautiful or admirable thing.
- Joyful: feeling or expressing joy; happy or cheerful; delightful or pleasing.
- Jubilant: feeling or showing great happiness or triumph; elated or exultant; festive or celebratory.
- Juicy: having a lot of juice; succulent or delicious; interesting or exciting; attractive or sensual.
- Jolly: cheerful or merry; full of fun or laughter; bright or lively.
- Jovial: cheerful and friendly; good-humored or genial; hearty or convivial.
- Judicious: having or showing good judgment; wise or sensible; prudent or careful.
- Jubilee: a special anniversary or celebration; a time of rejoicing or jubilation; a joyous or festive occasion.
- Just: based on or behaving according to what is morally right or fair; honest or righteous; deserved or appropriate.
Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with K
- Keen: having or showing a sharp or penetrating mind; intelligent or clever; enthusiastic or eager; fine or splendid.
- Kind: having or showing a friendly or generous nature; compassionate or benevolent; pleasant or agreeable.
- Kissable: inviting or tempting to be kissed; attractive or appealing; sweet or lovely.
- Kittenish: playful or lively; coquettish or flirtatious; cute or adorable.
- Kooky: strange or eccentric; unconventional or quirky; amusing or entertaining.
- Kind-hearted: having or showing a kind and sympathetic nature; compassionate or benevolent; generous or warm.
- Knowledgeable: having or showing a lot of knowledge or information; well-informed or educated; intelligent or wise.
- Knockout: a very attractive or impressive person or thing; stunning or gorgeous; awesome or amazing.
- Kosher: conforming to Jewish dietary laws; acceptable or legitimate; genuine or authentic.
- Kudos: praise or respect; acclaim or admiration; honor or glory.
Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with L
- Lavish: rich or luxurious; extravagant or opulent; generous or profuse.
- Lively: full of life or energy; active or vigorous; bright or vivid.
- Lovely: very beautiful or attractive; delightful or charming; very pleasant or enjoyable.
- Loyal: faithful or devoted; reliable or dependable; true or constant.
- Luminous: emitting or reflecting light; shining or radiant; brilliant or splendid.
- Luscious: having a pleasingly rich or sweet taste; delicious or delectable; very attractive or appealing; voluptuous or sensual.
- Luxurious: extremely comfortable or elegant; rich or opulent; indulgent or enjoyable.
- Lyrical: expressing the writer
Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with M
- Magnificent: impressively beautiful or splendid; grand or majestic; excellent or superb.
- Marvelous: causing or feeling great wonder or admiration; amazing or astonishing; wonderful or fantastic.
- Mesmerizing (mesmeric fascinating): capturing and holding one’s attention; hypnotizing or fascinating; enchanting or captivating.
- Mild: gentle or kind; moderate or temperate; soft or smooth.
- Miraculous: occurring through divine or supernatural intervention; extraordinary or remarkable; wonderful or marvelous.
- Modest: not excessively proud or vain; humble or respectful; decent or unassuming.
- Mysterious: difficult or impossible to understand or explain; enigmatic or puzzling; intriguing or captivating.
- Magical: relating to or using magic; enchanting or bewitching; wonderful or amazing.
- Majestic: having or showing impressive beauty or dignity; grand or splendid; noble or dignified.
- Merry: cheerful or lively; full of fun or joy; festive or pleasant.
Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with N
- Nice: pleasant or agreeable; kind or friendly; good or satisfactory.
- Noble: having or showing high moral principles or ideals; honorable or virtuous; dignified or majestic.
- Nurturing: caring for or encouraging the growth or development of someone or something; supportive or protective; loving or affectionate.
- Natural: existing in or derived from nature; not made or caused by humans; normal or innate; simple or unaffected.
- Naughty: disobedient or mischievous; playful or teasing; sexy or provocative.
- Neat: tidy or orderly; clean or organized; well-arranged or well-kept; smart or stylish.
- Nifty: very good or clever; impressive or attractive; handy or useful.
- Nimble: quick and light in movement or action; agile or graceful; clever or skillful.
- Noble: having or showing high moral principles or ideals; honorable or virtuous; dignified or majestic.
- Notable: worthy of attention or notice; remarkable or outstanding; distinguished or eminent.
Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with O
- Outstanding: exceptionally good or excellent; remarkable or impressive; prominent or conspicuous.
- Optimistic: hopeful or confident about the future; positive or cheerful; bright or favorable.
- Original: created or thought of by oneself; not copied or imitated; new or fresh; unique or distinctive.
- Opulent: richly luxurious or lavish; wealthy or affluent; splendid or magnificent.
- Ornate: made or decorated in a complex or elaborate way; intricate or elaborate; elegant or stylish.
- Obedient: complying or willing to comply with orders or requests; submissive or respectful; dutiful or loyal.
- Obliging: willing to do a service or kindness; helpful or cooperative; courteous or polite.
- Observant: quick to notice or perceive things; attentive or alert; careful or diligent; adhering to or following a rule or custom.
- Open-minded: willing to consider or accept new or different ideas or opinions; tolerant or flexible; curious or adventurous.
- Outgoing: friendly or sociable; confident or assertive; leaving or departing; expressive or communicative.
Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with P
- Passionate: having or showing strong feelings or emotions; ardent or fervent; enthusiastic or devoted.
- Patient: able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious; calm or composed; persevering or diligent.
- Peaceful: free from disturbance or violence; calm or tranquil; harmonious or friendly.
- Perfect: having all the required or desirable qualities or characteristics; flawless or impeccable; ideal or optimal.
- Playful: full of fun or humor; lively or cheerful; amusing or entertaining.
- Polite: having or showing good manners or respect; courteous or civil; refined or elegant.
- Positive: having or showing a good or optimistic attitude; constructive or beneficial; definite or certain.
- Precious: of great value or worth; rare or unique; beloved or cherished.
- Pretty: pleasing or attractive to the eye; lovely or charming; moderately or fairly.
- Proud: feeling or showing pride or satisfaction; confident or dignified; splendid or magnificent.
Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with Q
- Quaint: attractively unusual or old-fashioned; charming or picturesque; curious or whimsical.
- Quality: having or showing a high standard or level; excellent or superior; valuable or desirable.
- Queenly: having or showing the qualities of a queen; regal or majestic; elegant or graceful.
- Quick: moving or acting fast or swiftly; prompt or immediate; clever or alert.
- Quiet: making little or no noise; calm or peaceful; discreet or restrained.
- Quirky: having or characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits or aspects; unconventional or eccentric; amusing or interesting.
- Quixotic: exceedingly idealistic or unrealistic; romantic or visionary; impractical or fanciful.
- Quizzical: indicating mild or amused puzzlement; curious or inquisitive; humorous or teasing.
- Quotable: suitable or appropriate for quotation; memorable or witty; expressive or eloquent.
- Quaint: attractively unusual or old-fashioned; charming or picturesque; curious or whimsical.
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Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with R
- Radiant: emitting or reflecting light; shining or bright; glowing or luminous.
- Ravishing: extremely beautiful or attractive; stunning or gorgeous; delightful or enchanting.
- Remarkable: worthy of attention or notice; extraordinary or exceptional; impressive or admirable.
- Resilient: able to withstand or recover from difficult situations or conditions; strong or tough; adaptable or flexible.
- Respectable: regarded by society as proper or correct; decent or honorable; admirable or commendable.
- Romantic: relating to or involving love or romance; expressive or passionate; idealistic or imaginative.
- Royal: of or relating to a king or queen or their family; regal or majestic; splendid or magnificent.
- Ravishing: extremely beautiful or attractive; stunning or gorgeous; delightful or enchanting.
- Rhythmic: having a regular or repeated pattern of sounds or movements; musical or harmonious; graceful or flowing.
- Rich: having a lot of something valuable or desirable; abundant or plentiful; deep or intense.
Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with S
- Sassy: lively or spirited; bold or cheeky; stylish or chic.
- Seductive: tempting or attractive; enticing or alluring; captivating or bewitching.
- Sensational: causing or feeling great excitement or interest; amazing or astonishing; wonderful or fantastic.
- Serene: calm or peaceful; tranquil or composed; clear or bright.
- Shining: emitting or reflecting light; bright or radiant; excellent or outstanding.
- Smart: having or showing intelligence or knowledge; clever or witty; elegant or stylish.
- Soothing: having a calming or relieving effect; gentle or mild; pleasant or agreeable.
- Sparkling: shining with flashes of light; glittering or dazzling; lively or vivacious.
- Splendid: magnificent or impressive; grand or superb; excellent or wonderful.
- Stunning: extremely beautiful or attractive; striking or impressive; amazing or astounding.
Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with T
- Talented: having or showing a natural aptitude or skill; gifted or proficient; remarkable or outstanding.
- Tender: showing gentleness or kindness; affectionate or loving; soft or delicate.
- Thrilling: causing or feeling excitement or exhilaration; exciting or exhilarating; awesome or amazing.
- Trendy: following or setting the latest fashion or style; fashionable or stylish; popular or up-to-date.
- Trustworthy: able to be relied on; honest or dependable; loyal or faithful.
- Tantalizing: arousing or stimulating one’s interest or desire; tempting or teasing; alluring or seductive.
- Terrific: extremely good or great; wonderful or marvelous; awesome or amazing.
- Thoughtful: showing consideration or care; kind or attentive; reflective or contemplative.
- Tidy and Trim: neat or orderly; clean or organized; well-arranged or well-kept.
- Tough: strong or resilient; brave or courageous; determined or persistent.
Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with U
- Unique: being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else; distinctive or special.
- Understanding: showing or having the ability to understand; sympathetic or compassionate; knowledgeable or aware.
- Unforgettable: impossible to forget; very memorable or impressive; lasting or enduring.
- Unparalleled: having no equal or match; incomparable or unrivaled; exceptional or extraordinary.
- Unreal: so remarkable or extraordinary as to seem impossible or unbelievable; amazing or astounding; awesome or fantastic.
- Upbeat: cheerful or optimistic; positive or hopeful; lively or energetic.
- Uplifting: inspiring or making someone happier or more hopeful; encouraging or comforting; elevating or improving.
- Useful: able to be used for a practical purpose or in several ways; helpful or beneficial; valuable or worthwhile.
- Urbane: suave or courteous; refined or elegant; sophisticated or cultured.
- Utter: complete or absolute; total or perfect; expressing or speaking; vocalizing or articulating.
Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with V
- Valiant: showing or having courage or determination; brave or heroic; bold or fearless.
- Valuable: worth a great deal of money; expensive or precious; having or showing great qualities or skills; useful or important.
- Venerable: accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character; respected or revered; honorable or dignified.
- Vibrant: full of energy and life; lively or vigorous; bright or vivid; striking or dazzling.
- Victorious: having won a victory; triumphant or successful; proud or jubilant.
- Virtuous: having or showing high moral standards or principles; righteous or ethical; good or noble.
- Visionary: having or showing the ability to imagine or plan the future; creative or innovative; inspired or prophetic.
- Vivacious: attractively lively and animated; spirited or cheerful; charming or captivating.
- Voluptuous: relating to or characterized by luxury or sensual pleasure; indulgent or opulent; curvaceous or sensual.
- Vulnerable: exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally; susceptible or defenseless; sensitive or tender.
Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with W
- Warm: having or showing a friendly or affectionate nature; kind or cordial; comfortable or cozy.
- Wise: having or showing experience, knowledge, or good judgment; intelligent or sensible; profound or insightful.
- Witty: showing or characterized by quick and inventive verbal humor; clever or amusing; sharp or sarcastic.
- Wonderful: inspiring delight or admiration; marvelous or amazing; excellent or splendid.
- Wondrous: inspiring wonder or awe; astonishing or amazing; marvelous or magnificent.
- Welcoming: friendly or inviting; hospitable or cordial; pleasant or agreeable.
- Whimsical: playfully quaint or fanciful; amusing or entertaining; imaginative or creative.
- Wild: living or growing in the natural environment; untamed or free; exciting or adventurous.
- Winsome: attractive or appealing; charming or delightful; sweet or innocent.
- Wise: having or showing experience, knowledge, or good judgment; intelligent or sensible; profound or insightful.
Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with X
- Xenial: friendly or hospitable; cordial or generous; pleasant or agreeable.
- Xenodochial: friendly to strangers or foreigners; hospitable or welcoming; kind or benevolent.
- Xenophile: a person who is attracted to foreign people, cultures, or customs; open-minded or curious; adventurous or exploratory.
- X-factor: a noteworthy or special quality, talent, or skill; an edge or advantage; a mystery or unknown.
- Xoanon: a primitive image of a deity; a sacred or revered object; a beautiful or admirable thing.
- X-rated: involving or showing sexually explicit material; erotic or pornographic; sexy or provocative.
- Xenomorphic: having a form that is foreign or different from the norm; unusual or unique; distinctive or special.
- Xylophonic: having a sound or tone resembling that of a xylophone; musical or harmonious; pleasant or agreeable.
- Xenial: friendly or hospitable; cordial or generous; pleasant or agreeable.
- Xerophilous: able to grow or thrive in dry or arid conditions; resilient or adaptable; strong or tough.
Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with Y
- Yare: ready or prepared; quick or agile; lively or spirited.
- Yielding: giving way or surrendering; compliant or submissive; flexible or adaptable.
- Youthful: having the characteristics of youth; young or fresh; energetic or lively; innocent or naive.
- Yummy: delicious or delectable; pleasing or satisfying; attractive or appealing.
- Yare: ready or prepared; quick or agile; lively or spirited.
- Yen: a strong desire or craving; a longing or yearning; an attraction or appeal.
- Yeasty: full of vitality or creativity; lively or bubbly; frothy or foamy.
- Yoga: a system of physical and mental exercises for well-being and harmony; a discipline or practice; a philosophy or way of life.
- Yonder: at some distance in the direction indicated; over there or far away; distant or remote.
- Young: having lived or existed for only a short time; not old or mature; new or fresh; inexperienced or naive.
Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with Z
- Zaftig: having a full or rounded figure; curvaceous or voluptuous; attractive or appealing.
- Zany: amusingly unconventional or eccentric; quirky or wacky; funny or comical.
- Zealous: having or showing great energy or enthusiasm; passionate or fervent; devoted or committed.
- Zestful: having or showing great enjoyment or excitement; lively or spirited; delicious or flavorful.
- Zippy: bright or lively; energetic or vigorous; fast or speedy.
- Zaftig: having a full or rounded figure; curvaceous or voluptuous; attractive or appealing.
- Zen: a state of calm or peace; a philosophy or practice of meditation and intuition; a way of being or living.
- Zephyr: a gentle or soft breeze; a mild or pleasant wind; a breath or whisper.
- Zest: great enthusiasm or enjoyment; eagerness or gusto; a piece of citrus peel used to add flavor.
- Zodiac: a belt of the heavens divided into twelve signs, each associated with a constellation and astrological attributes; a system or cycle of symbols or signs; a circle or sphere.
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1. What are 5 words to describe a girl?
- Sweet
- Intelligent
- Cheerful
- Confident
- Kind-hearted
2. How do you describe a beautiful girl in 1 word?
- Radiant
3. How do you describe her in one word?
- Captivating
4. How do you define beauty in a girl?
Beauty in a girl goes beyond physical appearance and embraces qualities such as grace, kindness, intelligence, confidence and positivity. Her inner qualities should radiate and create irresistible charm that attracts everyone around her.
5. What is the best word to describe a beautiful woman?
- Exquisite
6. What is a word for an extremely beautiful woman?
- Breathtaking
7. What are some adjectives to describe a beautiful person?
- Gorgeous
- Stunning
- Elegant
- Charming
- Alluring
8. How do you describe a beautiful girl in one sentence?
She is a vision of grace and allure, radiating an irresistible charm that captivates everyone around her.