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Atlantisite Crystal Meaning

by | May 12, 2024

  • Atlantisite is valued for its unique appearance and serpentine-stichtite composition.
  • It is linked to transformative healing and spiritual growth.
  • This crystal is associated with balancing the heart and crown chakras.

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Atlantisite is a distinctive and vibrant gemstone that captures attention with its striking combination of green and purple hues. This crystal, a blend of serpentine and stichtite, is heralded for its physical beauty and dynamic properties.

It is commonly sought after by crystal enthusiasts and collectors alike.

The name of this gemstone is derived from its supposed link to the ancient lost city of Atlantis, adding an aura of mystery and ancient wisdom to its reputation. The stone’s significance is deeply entrenched in its purported ability to promote healing, balance, and spiritual awareness.

It is particularly known for its association with the heart and crown chakras, emphasizing its potential to foster emotional healing and spiritual enlightenment.

Origins and History

atlantisite crystal meaning

Atlantisite is a distinctive stone valued for its unique blend of minerals and history rooted in specific locales. This section delves into the discovery and geological formation of this intriguing crystal.

Discovery of Atlantisite

The crystal was first identified in the early 20th century around the Zeehan area of Tasmania, an island state of Australia known for its mineral deposits.

Initially named Tasmanite after the state in which it was discovered, the stone is now better known as Atlantisite—a nod to the legendary city of Atlantis due to its mystical connotations.

Geographical Formation

Atlantisite forms through a natural amalgamation of green serpentine and purple stichtite mainly found in Stichtite Hill within the Zeehan district.

The region’s geological processes facilitate the unique combination of these minerals, giving birth to the distinctive green and purple-hued stone identified as atlantisite.

Physical and Metaphysical Properties

atlantisite metaphysical meaning

Atlantisite is a distinct gemstone renowned for its unique blend of physical characteristics and profound metaphysical qualities. It comprises two minerals: stichtite, imparting vibrant purple hues, and Serpentine, adding a rich green backdrop.

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Composition and Appearance

Atlantisite primarily comprises Serpentine and Stichtite, minerals that create an intriguing, eye-catching matrix.

Serpentine gives the stone its green color, while Stichtite contributes the purple and lilac patches often visible within it.

Typically, these crystals exhibit a waxy luster and may vary in hardness depending on their precise composition. However, they roughly align with a Mohs hardness of 2.5 to 5 for Stichtite and 2.5 to 5.5 for Serpentine.

  • Color: Predominantly green with purple spots or patterns
  • Luster: Waxy to dull
  • Mohs Hardness:
    • Stichtite: 2.5 to 5
    • Serpentine: 2.5 to 5.5

Metaphysical Significance

The metaphysical properties of Atlantisite are as compelling as its physical attributes. It is believed to harness the interplay of energies from both minerals, combining the emotional tranquility attributed to Stichtite with the grounding and protective qualities associated with Serpentine.

  • Emotional Balance: Stichtite’s influence is said to promote compassion and forgiveness.
  • Protection: Serpentine’s role is often described as grounding and safeguarding against negative energy.
  • Spiritual Insight: Together, they are thought to aid in connecting with Atlantis’s past and legendary civilization, inspiring spiritual growth.

Healing and Well-being

atlantisite healing properties

Atlantisite is known for its potent healing qualities, which provide emotional tranquility and spiritual balance as well as physical well-being. This section delves into Atlantisite’s specific benefits in relation to healing properties, emotional stability, and physical health improvement.

Healing Properties

Atlantisite combines powerful elements that promote inner peace and wisdom. It is often turned to for its protective qualities and its ability to enhance spiritual awareness.

Emotional Healing

When it comes to emotional healing, Atlantisite is strongly connected to the heart chakra. It encourages feelings of love, compassion, and self-acceptance.

For those dealing with high-stress levels or anxieties, it acts as a soothing agent, offering tranquility and restoring emotional balance.

Physical Healing Benefits

Atlantisite’s physical healing benefits are said to be manyfold. It is believed to aid with kidney complaints, ease menstrual pains and cramps, and assist with lung conditions. Moreover, the crystal is associated with the regeneration of skin and may provide relief from muscle spasms.

  • Kidney Support: Promotes better kidney function.
  • Menstrual Relief: Alleviates cramps and pains.
  • Respiratory Aid: Supports lung health.
  • Skin Regeneration: Encourages healthier skin.
  • Muscle Relaxation: Helps reduce spasms and tension.

Spiritual and Chakra Connection

atlantisite spiritual meaning

Atlantisite is recognized for its spiritual solid properties. It primarily connects with the chakra system to promote balance and intuition. Through its influence on the heart and crown chakras, it facilitates a deeper spiritual connection and fosters a compassionate approach to interactions.

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Chakra Balancing

  • Heart Chakra: Atlantisite’s impact on the heart chakra is profound. It is believed to infuse the energy center with love and compassion, aligning the physical and emotional bodies to foster a sense of unity and emotional harmony.
  • Crown Chakra: The crown chakra at the top of the head is the gateway to higher states of consciousness. Atlantisite supports this chakra by facilitating a connection to the spiritual realm, which can enhance psychic abilities and intuition.

Spiritual Growth and Energy

Atlantisite’s union of serpentine and stichtite not only harnesses their energies but also synergizes them to support spiritual growth. This crystal encourages one to explore spirituality with a clear and open mind.

  • Growth: Individuals seeking spiritual advancement may find that Atlantisite helps to remove energy blockages, aiding in spiritual ascension and the expansion of consciousness.
  • Energy: The stone’s capacity to connect with multiple chakras provides a flow of energy that can increase psychic awareness and reinforce one’s spiritual connection and intuition.

Usage and Care

atlantisite properties

Atlantisite is prized for its ability to foster tranquility and to enhance spiritual growth. Proper care and usage can maximize these benefits, leading to a more harmonious lifestyle and accelerated personal development.

Incorporating Atlantisite into Life

Atlantisite can be introduced into life’s daily rhythm through various forms such as jewelry or meditation aids.

Rings or other jewelry pieces serve as conduits of Atlantisite’s calming energies and make its benefits readily accessible throughout the day.

For those seeking a deeper connection to their spiritual energy, using Atlantisite during meditation can facilitate a state of enlightenment and harmony.

The stone’s reputed ability to enhance tranquility and relaxation makes it a companion for those who seek inner peace and knowledge.

Maintenance and Cleansing

Regular maintenance of Atlantisite is essential to ensure consistent vibrational quality and cleanliness.

Cleansing should be performed gently using a soft cloth and if needed, lukewarm water; avoid harsh chemicals as they may damage the stone.

Charging Atlantisite is as simple as placing it in the moonlight overnight, rejuvenating its spiritual energy.

Smudging with sage is a well-regarded method for those who prefer smoke cleansing.

It’s important to treat Atlantisite with respect and caution, as it represents spiritual knowledge and is a means of achieving personal growth and enlightenment.

Reasons to Use Atlantisite

1. Deals with Anger and Resentment

Atlantisite will help relax your mind and ease anxieties, including your emotions, whether good or bad. It will help you become more calm and at peace, so your anger or resentment will slowly diminish.

The stone also helps you clear out negative emotions, making you more open to situations and compassionate. It will also help you with any interpersonal conflicts with loved ones, making you more forgiving and empathic.

Atlantisite also promotes thinking before speaking, so if you have anger in your heart and are dealing with someone who may have done you wrong or is currently bringing negativity into your life, you are better able to deal with that person more maturely and rationally.

The stone will also help to eliminate pain, loss, or hurt that may have been caused by someone you love or someone in your life. It will help you accept and move on.

2. Promotes Positive Thinking

Because Atlantisite helps you become calmer and more rational, it promotes positive thinking. It will help you eliminate negative thinking and see the brighter side of things. It will help you achieve a more rational and inspired way of thinking and diminish any thoughts hindering your self-esteem and confidence.

3. For Protection

Atlantisite is a highly protective stone. If you need to protect anything in your life, be it possessions, yourself, or your loved ones, this crystal is a fantastic stone to use.
The crystal is known to protect travelers from injury or harm, so if your work requires you to travel a lot, Atlantisite is an excellent stone to have with you as you travel.

4. For Wealth

Atlantisite will also help you improve your financial intentions. If you need a little push or motivation to finish a project, having the crystal with you will inspire you to do so.
The crystal also helps to clear out old patterns, and if you find yourself not improving financially, Atlantisite will give you fresh ideas so you can increase your income and attract more money into your life.

How to Use Atlantisite

1. As Protection for the Home

Atlantisite is a wonderful protection stone, providing security and protection to physical possessions, people, and your inner self.
For the home, place the crystal in the East direction of your home so the universe’s positive energy will flow freely into your house. If you need protection of possessions, place the crystal beside the object.

2. For Guidance and Protection When You Travel

Bring an Atlantisite crystal with you when you travel to protect yourself against injury or harm. Place a crystal in your pocket, purse, or bag, and it will protect you and your belongings as you travel.

3. As Jewelry

You can use the crystal as a pendant and hang it close to your heart to improve your intuition. If you want to enjoy its physical healing properties, place a crystal over your stomach or heart so any issues you may have with these organs of your body will be improved.

Atlantisite is also known to awaken kundalini energy, making you more empathic to others. If you are having difficulty getting along with coworkers or family members, wearing the crystal when you encounter such individuals will help you interact with them more peacefully and kindly.

Symbolism and Lore

atlantisite stone meaning

Atlantisite is not just a captivating gemstone; it embodies profound symbolism and historical richness. Drawing from its name and composition, this stone is believed to carry the Lost City of Atlantis mystique and the nurturing energies of the earth.

Connection to the Lost City

Atlantisite’s connection to the Lost City of Atlantis is steeped in legend. It’s said to hold the wisdom and power of the ancient civilization. The stone is also imbued with a sense of unity and understanding. It resonates with those who seek connection with the ancient world’s compassion and tranquility.

Modern Interpretations

In contemporary times, Atlantisite is attributed with properties that foster communication and emotional balance. It is considered a powerful tool for attaining inner peace and facilitating forgiveness, which helps alleviate pain and turbulent emotions.

The green serpentine aspect of Atlantisite amplifies protection and love. This underscores a grounded connection to the earth. Meanwhile, its purple stichtite component encourages compassion and magic in interpersonal relationships.

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, readers will find answers to common queries regarding the metaphysical properties, benefits, and practical uses of Atlantisite in daily life, spiritual practices, and the significance of its unique composition and rarity.

1. What are the metaphysical properties of Atlantisite?

Atlantisite is a combination of Stichtite and Serpentine. It is associated with emotional tranquility, spiritual ascension, and physical well-being. Its properties are said to enhance intuition and psychic abilities and promote spiritual awareness.

2. What are the benefits of incorporating Atlantisite into my daily life?

Incorporating Atlantisite into daily life fosters a sense of balance and harmony. It can aid in soothing emotions, clearing the mind, and aligning actions with your deeper intentions.

3. How can I incorporate Atlantisite into my spiritual or healing practices?

Atlantisite can be utilized in meditation, placed on relevant chakra points, or kept in personal spaces. Its presence is thought to facilitate inner exploration and connection with spiritual guides.

4. In which ways can Atlantisite jewelry benefit the wearer?

Atlantisite jewelry may align with the heart chakra, offer emotional healing, and promote a unity of wisdom and ancient knowledge. It is often used to support spiritual growth.

5. What is the connection between Atlantisite and the chakra system?

Atlantisite is commonly linked with the heart chakra, assisting in emotional healing. Its energy may also resonate with other chakras for spiritual awakening and higher realm exploration.

6. What distinguishes Atlantisite from other crystals in terms of rarity and composition?

Atlantisite stands out due to its unique blend of Serpentine and Stichtite. This marks it as a distinctive stone both in rarity and composition. It is primarily found in Tasmania, Australia.


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