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Numerological Personality Traits of People Born on November 25th
The astral sign of Sagittarius, ruled by the planet Jupiter – the philosopher, and the birth date ruler Neptune – the speculator, with birth stone of Turquoise
You are a very rational, capable and very quietly progressive individual. Always willing to take all the time needed to complete a project perfectly. Your motivation is this urge to achieve excellence and make a difference, rather than gain power and money. And that very drive gives you the staying power to make things happen and the humility to be the essential means of support for a powerful individual or social group.
Social responsibility is a very important topic in your life, and you really take it seriously. That does not mean you do not have your own mind, it is just this strong desire for your personal fulfilment. Your biggest concern revolves around you being able to inspire and enlighten society.
You are so fixated to your purpose, and show such self-discipline and high expectations of yourself as well as others, that all this focus can actually make you overly fixated to your goals and ultimately also very judgmental of other people.
Learning to establish identity outside of your work or social group is very important for you, as well as learning to accept alternative views. Other people have their own beliefs as well, and such acceptance is very important for your psychological growth and fulfillment.
Early in your life your main concern is occupied by your own freedom, and you really should take advantage of every opportunity to expand your horizons, whether it be thorough study or travel. Later on in life you focus your minds on a more pragmatic, more structured and orderly ideas. You put much more emphasis on your long lasting independence.
In general overview, it does not matter what age you are. Try focus on being courageous to strike out on your own. Use your creativity and intellect to find a path in life that combines the need for personal fulfillment and your need for socially oriented concerns. With this outlook you will definitely gain and enriching dimension to your life by unlocking your potential for making a real and important difference in the world around you.
You have some very high expectations and ideals when it comes to affairs of the heart. Sometimes so very high that they are impossible to attain. You really need to step back and learn that simply feel and be happy with someone is exactly enough and definitely sufficient to build your life with them.
You can be very strict when it comes to diet. In a way a great feature, as you will strive to eat only what is really good for your body, so sticking to healthy, fresh foods is on the menu for sure. However you also need to know when to cut out the strict regime, and enjoy the food as well, after all stressing when eating is just as bad as comfort eating or unhealthy food. You love adding exercise to your daily regime as well, however do make sure you are sticking to a healthy moderate exercise and not overreact. Get some relaxing time into your schedule. Consciously decide to have a fresh-air-relaxation-walk hour once a day and that will provide you with good routine for healthy life.
You may find yourself in various careers, for example teaching, scientist, politics, healing professions, law, law enforcement, writing, music, art, even the world of entertainment. You will take on any career that will give you the challenges of social world, and present the opportunity to express yourself as well as challenge you to take your life to a higher level.
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About the Author - Judy
Energy Healer & Psychic
Judita Tanko is a Psychic Clairvoyant. She’s been aware of her gift since she was 6.
- Energy healing is a delicate dance of energy influence to reconstruct the balance between your physical body and your energy flow.
- Psychic readings with me, mean tapping into your energy flow, reading your energy signature into your future, present, and past events…