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Numerological Personality Traits of People Born on May 26th
The astral sign of Gemini, ruled by the planet Mercury – the communicator, and the birth date ruler Saturn – the teacher, with birth stone of Agate
You are an interesting person to figure out. You will loudly agree and even blow out of proportion to everyone around you how important values of society are. But underneath there is a rebel that hates restrictions social values present. So that charm you present on the front is really the one thing that works in your favour for people to not really figure you out.
It is really hard for you to live what you believe in, but if you figure out the way to do so, you can move the mountains. You are so talented and organized that you can really use your talents for others and instead of others and really effectively as well as practically implement the wanted. But as I said it is important you live your beliefs otherwise you can succumb to intolerant behaviour and double standards.
The intensity your duality inflicts should be avoided. Try and figure out what drives you toward discovering new things and constantly seeking out new knowledge. As if you know the drive behind it you can be true to your beliefs with a firm arguments to hold your ground. With that you will avoid attracting toxic people into your life for no reason, and save time for actual results you want to see in your progression to success.
And I know that life can sometimes be really confusing, wanting to actually give people what they want or you think they want, and in that going against all you believe in, and yet you would not want it any other way. And in a way you are right to want it that way, because that is part of psychological growth, but also quite a in depth look into self-knowledge.
Later on in life that introspect involves emotional side as well, as getting in touch with your emotions is very important, especially when you are trying to establish some firm foundations for family life and home. Besides knowing your emotions you will learn the ways to fully implement yourself in positions of leadership.
That double standards I talked about remember. You speak about marriage as if it was the one sweet amazing thing you want in life. But underneath you prefer to just stay alone. Of course over time you do meet the right person who does help you open up, and it is not the person you are attracted to, the free spirit who likes to think with own head, experience life as wild child, yet intelligently aiming for goals…that would be your best choice, but the best choice as I see it is a bit less complicated description. I guess it can be all of the above, but the main thing is the person needs to have a soft and gentle touch and way with words and gestures to help you show your vulnerability, help you open up the part of you that gives you strength, and it is your emotional aspect.
You like to go overboard with food. Obviously finding balance in diet would be the perfect solution and accompanying it with intense active exercise will help maintain the endorphin levels in harmony for you to actually feel phenomenal and that should help you be in touch with yourself as well as be yourself. Find a way to relax and get as much fresh air as you can, which will help you stay fresh and light in body as well as mind.
You have a great drive to speak about your views or well views you want to sell and connect to people, which makes you a perfect politician, journalist or even teacher. But your great discipline is a predisposition that will serve you fantastically in careers involving engineering for example. But at the end of the day no matter what your focus is, as long as you are devoted to the cause you succeed in everything you set your mind to.
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About the Author - Judy
Energy Healer & Psychic
Judita Tanko is a Psychic Clairvoyant. She’s been aware of her gift since she was 6.
- Energy healing is a delicate dance of energy influence to reconstruct the balance between your physical body and your energy flow.
- Psychic readings with me, mean tapping into your energy flow, reading your energy signature into your future, present, and past events…