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Numerological Personality Traits of People Born on July 1st
The astral sign of Cancer, ruled by the planet Moon – the intuitive, and the birth date ruler Sun – the individual, with birth stone of Pearl
You are always aspiring to get ahead of trends, mind, people…you have a remarkable memory, with such intuitive and imaginative mind that also supports you being very insightful. Some of you are even prone to help society to a degree of sacrificing your own time and energy.
You are overall a very opened and helpful and outgoing person in public, but when it comes to private, or personal life, you are quite a moody individual, you can hardly make up your mind. And it goes for every aspect of life, including deciding on whether to be outgoing or rather isolate yourself from society.
I guess I could also say you have quite a thing for issues, and it does not help that your insecurities can get to you. But the bottom line is, your interest in people’s issues and conflicts get you the much needed attention from people who look for your advice and support. You do not really show any signs of having insecurities of your own when it comes to your generosity. You can however be very spontaneous and impulsive, which can sometimes back fire, as your mouth is faster than your mind and you may find yourself regretting the words coming out of your mouth.
In your younger years you may experience lack of self-confidence and even shyness, which will later on in life when you find your strength and apply it through creativity and self-expression, blossom in much more structured and focused desire to be of service.
You can most definitely self-sabotage in more than one way, so I suppose saying you are your own worst enemy would be quite an accurate assessment. You need to figure out the balance between what you want and what you go after in a way, so you can satisfy your need to be of help and service to society. After all only when you know who you are, you will be able to give your best inspirational self forward to uplift people to the level you desire.
You pair yourself best with someone who has a structured and solid lifestyle that you like and can be proud of. Your number one thing in the relationship though would be trust and loyalty, but make sure you do not stay too structured and monotone, after all you need to make sure you put passion and love and all your as well as partner’s desires forward for satisfaction.
You may not have the best relationship with your body, and mainly the reason will definitely be the lack of confidence and disconnect from what you want and what you are willing to achieve. So implementing healthy diet and regular exercise is a must for you. And with doing so, you need to find a way to balance the somewhat normal routine rather than push yourself excessively or even quit and fall into unhealthy lifestyle. There are counselling sessions that may help you with keeping on good path.
You like being with yourself, your own boss, not really working for anyone. So having your own business gives you that freedom and allows for your spontaneity to take its course. However your interest in humanitarian services may set you up for success in careers as social worker, counsellor, teacher, you would do well in career where you would be working with children as well – in same retrospect you would do great as politician, given the interest you show in society. Your creativity however can take you into artistic direction such as acting, music, even fashion.
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About the Author - Judy
Energy Healer & Psychic
Judita Tanko is a Psychic Clairvoyant. She’s been aware of her gift since she was 6.
- Energy healing is a delicate dance of energy influence to reconstruct the balance between your physical body and your energy flow.
- Psychic readings with me, mean tapping into your energy flow, reading your energy signature into your future, present, and past events…