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Numerological Personality Traits of People Born on April 17th
The astral sign of Aries, ruled by the planet Mars – the warrior, and the birth date ruler Saturn – the teacher, with birth stone of Diamond
You know yourself well, or rather know where you wish to go and have the view clear in your mind. Ambition and opportunistic approach to things along with the willpower and quite a resilience to lack of compliance at times is absolutely your strength. Single-mindedness in a way is your absolute ally.
You are so determined to succeed you will approach it from different angles, even by spotting opportunities for other people as well. And you are not really loud about it but by involving others and having valuable opinion and allowing others to add to it makes quite a strong impression on others. Especially the part where your quiet nature hides a powerful voice when you do speak up.
You do however set the tone for others whether they want it or not, as your powerful voice at times is a bit of enforcer to setting the guidelines along their ideas and actions. And with that you do tend to take the lead in the team of a bit less determined people setting their ways around you.
Nobody becomes successful without hard work, and you most definitely are doing same. You like it though, you do what it takes to make changes in the world, even if that means small ones. Initially you do not really care, as you just genuinely love a fair challenge.
When your mood turns sour, you like to pull back into isolation, a great way to deal with mood swings when in professional relationship, not so much when you deal with it in personal life. You will eventually find that to keep personal relationships going strong, you will need to open up to a bit when things get tough in your mind, and allow them to help you get through it.
Over time you will find if you get a bit lighthearted or with other words not as strict and enforcing, you will still maintain the authority, if not even strengthen it. People who are willing to stick around will follow you, when your approach to them is a bit more mellow they will do so even more willingly.
Like I mentioned before, you need to learn to let people in and share your feelings. So needless to say it takes a bit of time for you to get to the point where you can trust anyone enough to get into relationship. But once you do, you are a very loyal and passionate lover. Of course you love control and don’t like to feel vulnerable at all, but see take some risks and trust people with your emotions and magic will happen for you.
Big emphasis on avoiding addictive substances or addictive habits! Just try and maintain healthy diet and regular exercise to keep your physical as well as mental body in good condition. Having a good healthy routine will help you in times when you feel lonely and depressed. And even though I do understand it is hard to confide in loved ones, but that will make things much easier for you to keep on the right track. But there is also an option of therapist, who you can talk to when mood swings get a bit out of control. In any way put, the more emphasis you put on healthy body and mind, the better your life in general will turn out.
Careers in politics or law may appeal to you, as you like having a hand over the innate sense of justice. But than also business, banking or even accountancy, which you may also prefer in self-employed setting rather than working for someone. Success in any of the above is inevitable given your hard-working tendencies and willpower.
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About the Author - Judy
Energy Healer & Psychic
Judita Tanko is a Psychic Clairvoyant. She’s been aware of her gift since she was 6.
- Energy healing is a delicate dance of energy influence to reconstruct the balance between your physical body and your energy flow.
- Psychic readings with me, mean tapping into your energy flow, reading your energy signature into your future, present, and past events…