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Numerological Personality Traits of People Born on January 14th
The astral sign of Capricorn, ruled by the planet Saturn-the teacher, and the birth date ruler Mercury-the communicator, with birth stone of Garnet
Connecting with others is very important to your cause in life. And learning its importance should be high up on your list. There is also a very important thought to be put in what you actually want to divert your energy to. As that is something that will be your life’s purpose in the long run, as you have a very inventive and different way of thinking and looking at things, and you can do great and amazing things with it if only you find that “thing” you want to divert your energy to.
There will be great many things you will put your mind to, and you will have a desire to try them all, but your issue is really but a simple question of what that very thing you want to do in life is. You know in the back of your mind you will be successful in what you do, but the thought of trying to find “the thing” tends to discourage you on the way.
You love taking on challenges, and you have a need of consistency, so you will keep yourself busy at all times, but you always have to know when the time is to reconsider your options. You have the ability to take on loads of information on specific things, and yet you will be able to see the bigger picture in its best form. You are like a bottomless pit when it comes to knowledge, ideas and informations. You just want to know it all.
You are great in positions of leading for many reasons. For example, you can make good decisions, based on sifting through a lot of information and sorting it in a very peculiar way. You also have a sense of right and wrong, which enables you to be quite quick to stick to the positive angle of the situation. Well also your highly developed sense of being certain of things you believe are correct information, does make decisions quick and efficient. That does stand true for both work and home environment.
The importance of connecting to people at this point is a relevant thing to point out. As you need to learn to listen to other people’s objectives and opinions without dismissing them when your thought pattern is challenged. Instead I would say is important you re-think your plans when they are being challenged, as sometimes things do tend to get single minded with you, and it is hard to stop you from running the course all the way even if to someone else’s eye by than it clearly seems absolutely wrong direction.
See for the same reason you kind of avoid connecting with people, your personal life does take a back seat as well. So I shall stress this importance once again, you need to take time to connect with people and see the important factor and the sanity in it. You might see it as a distraction but it really does come more as a blessing, as they would be your reality proof inspectors in a way, whenever you start down spiralling in disappointments of natural life.
Make sure you stick to discovering emotional bonds and connections with people, be more opened to accepting them as your partners in ventures, learn to respect their opinions as equals to your owns, and accept their emotional support, as that is what saves you many time over in both work and personal life if you allow it.
I do understand the confidence in self should never be doubted, but to consider what others learned over their own life time is rewarding, as it is combining the experience, and making you more flexible to different scenarios. And you know you love taking risks and proving people wrong, but why not proving self you can do something different and out of your character for once and let people understand who you are, you will achieve a great deal of that personal freedom you look for in all the wrong places. Remember a leadership role you desperately want is yours to take, but it can also be a very lonely one.
You demand nothing less than extreme faithfulness, patience and understanding from your family and friends. It is well worth it I would say, especially in partnership, as you are passionate and devoted and make for an exciting lover. You are however very unaffected by jealousy, but here’s the trick, you expect the same from your lover. You like like-minded partners, who are to a point very self sufficient but with all the above qualities, as well as their full unconditional support.
You are so focused on your different projects in life, negative temptations such as drugs or alcohol do not really tempt you. You have an inner compass I suppose, just another “know it all” approach to what is good for you and what not, and you tend to do a good job by it. However you can more likely than not, drive yourself too far and that can be a big setback to your health eventually. Make sure your obsessive behaviour in spreading self thin starts following that inner compass and you will feel much lighter and healthier. Also do not defy gravity, you do know what goes up must come down right? Yeah that is the least I can say about your love of extreme sports. But to each their own, life is to be lived – but do have a healthy measure of activity at a time, don’t do it all at once.
As discussed in the first parts of this piece, you are successful in whatever you will put your mind to. But your real problem starts before you commit to doing anything. It is finding what you want to do in life that is important. You should however take a deeper thought to how you see things and process them, as you are a very visual person. In a way photography or writing for that matter might make for a very good career, as you can put it all on the display for people to see. There are also a few other areas connected to this artistic side, such as graphic design, or even architecture. But keep in mind, no matter what area you choose to work in due to your ability to focus and highly developed sense of distinguishing the proper information and shifting through it, you can succeed in whatever you set your mind to it, as long as it holds your interest.
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About the Author - Judy
Energy Healer & Psychic
Judita Tanko is a Psychic Clairvoyant. She’s been aware of her gift since she was 6.
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