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When is the Next New Moon: Dates and Viewing Tips for 2024

by | Jan 27, 2024

The moon’s phases have always been a topic of interest for various disciplines, from astronomy to cultural studies. A new moon marks the start of a new lunar cycle and is a time when the moon is not visible from Earth because it’s positioned between the Earth and the Sun, with the side that is illuminated by the Sun facing away from us.

Understanding when the next new moon occurs is essential for both astronomical observation and cultural practices.

With the next new moon, the moon will align with the Sun, and its night side will face Earth, rendering it practically invisible in the night sky. The exact timing of this phase can be pinpointed to ensure accurate observations and planning of related activities.

New Moon Calander for 2024:

Date (2024) In what Sign Time (EST)
Jan 11 in CAPRICORN 6:57 AM
Feb 9 in AQUARIUS 5:59 PM
Mar 10 in PISCES 5:00 AM
Apr 8 in ARIES 2:20 PM
May 7 in TAURUS 11:21 PM
Jun 6 in GEMINI 8:37 AM
Jul 5 in CANCER 6:57 PM
Aug 4 in LEO 7:13 AM
Sep 2 in VIRGO 9:55 PM
Oct 2 in LIBRA 2:49 PM
Nov 1 in SCORPIO 8:47 AM
Dec 1 in SAGITTARIUS 1:21 AM
Dec 30 in CAPRICORN 5:26 PM

*NOTE: Check – When is the Next Full Moon?

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Understanding the Moon Phases

The moon cycles through phases every month, from the darkness of the new moon to the brightness of the full moon and back again. These phases result from the moon’s orbit around Earth and the sunlight it reflects.

New Moon Significance

The new moon phase marks the start of the lunar cycle. It is a time when the moon is not visible from Earth because the side that is illuminated by the sun is facing away from us. This phase is significant for cultural and scientific reasons, as it denotes a clean slate or the beginning of new projects.

Phases Overview

Moon phases refer to the moon’s changing appearance as seen from Earth. As the moon orbits Earth, the sun illuminates different portions of its surface, according to which we observe eight distinct phases each month. The cycle progresses from a new moon to a full moon and then back to a new moon.

how many moon phases are there

Primary Moon Phases

  1. New Moon: The Moon is not visible as its illuminated side faces away from Earth.
  2. First Quarter: Half of the moon is illuminated, and it is visible after sunset.
  3. Full Moon: The fully illuminated moon is visible all night.
  4. Last Quarter: Also known as the third quarter, half of the moon is illuminated, decreasing in light.

Intermediate Moon Phases

  • Waxing Crescent: A sliver of the moon becomes visible after the new moon.
  • Waxing Gibbous: More than half of the moon is illuminated, growing towards a full moon.
  • Waning Gibbous: The moon starts to diminish in illumination after the full moon.
  • Waning Crescent: The moon decreases to a slim crescent before the new cycle begins.

Each phase—whether a crescent or gibbous, waxing or waning—helps demonstrate the dynamic relationship between the Earth, moon, and sun.

Related: Moon phases spiritual meaning

The Lunar Cycle

The lunar cycle plays a crucial role in our understanding of lunar phases. It represents not only the cyclical nature of the Moon as observed from Earth but also serves as the basis for the lunar calendar.

Lunar Month Duration

The typical lunar month, or synodic month, is approximately 29.5 days. This is the time it takes for the Moon to complete one cycle of phases, from one New Moon to the next. During this period, the Moon orbits the Earth and is observed to go through a series of phases due to its relative position to the Earth and the Sun.

  • New Moon
  • First Quarter
  • Full Moon
  • Last Quarter

These phases directly result from the angle the Sun-Earth-Moon system forms, and the portion of the Moon that is illuminated as observed from Earth.

Synodic vs Sidereal Month

When discussing the lunar cycle, it is essential to differentiate between the synodic and sidereal months.

  • Synodic Month: The synodic month is about 29.5 days and relates to the phase cycle observed from Earth, including the New Moon to the next New Moon.
  • Sidereal Month: The sidereal month is slightly shorter, about 27.3 days. It is the time it takes for the Moon to orbit the Earth once, relative to the stars.

This difference arises because while the Moon orbits the Earth, the Earth also moves around the Sun. Therefore, for the Moon to reach the same phase (e.g., from Full Moon back to Full Moon), it must travel a little further than a full orbit relative to the stars to catch up to the Earth’s new position in its orbit around the Sun.

Calculating New Moon Dates

Astronomers and enthusiasts alike must calculate new moon dates precisely. These dates provide the cornerstone for understanding lunar cycles and planning events related to moon observations.

Using a Moon Phase Calendar

A moon phase calendar is a simple and effective tool for determining the dates of new moons. Specifically, for the year 2024, individuals can refer to specialized calendars detailing each moon phase through daily listings. These calendars typically represent the new moon with a distinct symbol or often a dark circle to denote the absence of the moon’s illumination from Earth’s perspective. By consulting a moon phases calendar, observers can quickly identify the next new moon date or refere to the table at the beginning of this article.

Time Zone Considerations

Time zones are a crucial factor when calculating a new moon’s local date and time. While a moon phase calendar might list the next new moon in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), one must adjust this time to their local time zone for accurate observation planning.

Seattle, Washington, USA, for example, is in the Pacific Time Zone (PT), which is typically 8 hours behind UTC. This means that the new moon occurring on February 9, 2024, at 2:59 pm UTC for example will actually be visible in Seattle’s sky on February 9, 2024, at 6:59 am PT. It is essential always to check the time offset from UTC presented in a moon phase calculator to ensure the correct local moon phase timing.

Eclipses and the Moon

Eclipses are astronomical events involving the alignment of the Earth, Moon, and Sun. They occur during the new moon and full moon phases when the bodies are in conjunction or nearly so.

what is a lunar eclipse

Understanding Solar Eclipses

A solar eclipse happens when the Moon moves between Earth and the Sun, temporarily obscuring the Sun’s light. There are three main types of solar eclipses:

  • Total solar eclipse: The Moon completely covers the Sun, as seen from Earth.
  • Partial solar eclipse: The Moon obscures only a portion of the Sun.
  • Annular solar eclipse: The Moon covers the Sun’s center, leaving a ring of sunlight visible.

The Moon’s shadow falls onto Earth’s surface during a solar eclipse. Areas under the darkest part of the shadow, known as the umbra, witness a total solar eclipse, while areas under the lighter part, the penumbra, experience a partial or annular eclipse.

Lunar Eclipses and Their Phases

A lunar eclipse occurs when Earth lies between the Sun and the Moon, causing Earth’s shadow to fall upon the Moon. Unlike solar eclipses, lunar eclipses are safe to view with the naked eye. The main phases of a lunar eclipse are:

  • Penumbral lunar eclipse: The Moon passes through Earth’s penumbral shadow, which can result in a subtle dimming of the Moon’s brightness.
  • Partial lunar eclipse: A part of the Moon enters Earth’s umbral shadow, visibly darkening a segment of its surface.
  • Total lunar eclipse: The entire Moon is engulfed by Earth’s umbral shadow, often displaying a reddish hue known as a ‘blood moon.’

Both solar and lunar eclipses offer compelling observation opportunities and are key events for astronomers and enthusiasts alike. They underline the dynamic relationship and alignment these celestial bodies share.

The Role of the Moon in Astronomy

The Moon, our closest celestial neighbor, stands as an integral component in the arena of astronomy, offering a platform for a broad range of studies from the Earth’s tides to the field of astrophotography.

Influence on Earth’s Tides

The Moon exerts a significant gravitational pull on Earth, governing the rise and fall of ocean tides. Its gravitational force interacts with the Earth, resulting in two high tides and two low tides within approximately 24 hours. These tidal effects contribute to the understanding of lunar cycles and their impact on Earth’s natural systems.

Earth’s tides are influenced by:

  • The gravitational pull between the Earth and the Moon
  • The positions of the Moon, Earth, and Sun
  • The rotation of the Earth

Understanding tides is crucial in fields such as maritime navigation and coastal management.

Astrophotography and Observation

The moon is an excellent astrophotography subject, aiding amateur and professional astronomers in honing their observational and photographic skills. Through the use of telescopes equipped with cameras, the varying phases and features of the Moon can be captured in striking detail. The phenomenon of libration offers a changing view of the Moon over time, revealing different aspects of its surface.

when is the new moon
Key tools for astrophotography include:

  • Telescopes: To magnify lunar details
  • Cameras: For capturing high-resolution images
  • Mounts: To track the moon’s movement across the sky

Optimal lunar astrophotography often occurs at specific latitudes and longitudes where atmospheric conditions favor clear, undisturbed views.

Special Moon Events

In the tapestry of astronomical occurrences, certain moon events stand out for their rarity and distinctive characteristics. These include the Super New Moon, micro New Moon, and enigmatic Blue Moon.

Super New Moon and Micro New Moon

A Super New Moon occurs when the moon is at its closest approach to Earth, known as perigee, and aligns with the sun, making it invisible from Earth. This proximity gives the illusion of a larger size when it reappears as a crescent in the night sky. Conversely, a Micro Full Moon happens when a full moon coincides with apogee, where the moon is furthest from Earth, appearing slightly smaller to observers. An upcoming Super New Moon is expected on March 10, 2024.

The Phenomenon of a Blue Moon

The term Blue Moon has a couple of interpretations: traditionally, it’s the third full moon in a season with four full moons, which is a rarity. Alternatively, it’s often called the second full moon within a single calendar month. Despite the name, the moon does not appear blue in color. These events hold a significant place in cultural lore due to their infrequency. The year 2024 will feature a Blue Moon on August 19, following this less common definition.

Observing the New Moon

The New Moon is a fascinating phase for anyone interested in the night sky and space science. It presents unique viewing conditions, as the Moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun, rendering it invisible to casual observation.

Best Practices for Skywatching

  • Location: One should seek out a location with minimal light pollution to increase the chances of observing the subtleties of the night sky. Rural areas far from the glow of city lights are optimal.
  • Equipment: While the New Moon itself is not visible, using this time to view the stars can be rewarding. A telescope (Celestron NextStar) or binoculars (Celestron – SkyMaster Giant) enhance the experience, but one can also enjoy skywatching with the naked eye.
  • Time: The absence of moonlight during a New Moon provides excellent viewing conditions for other celestial bodies. Stars and planets like Aries and Libra are more vivid against the dark backdrop.
  • Preparation: Researching the lunar calendar, such as on Space.com, can inform skywatchers of the exact date and time of the next New Moon, ensuring a planned and successful observation.
  • Safety: Always prioritize safety, particularly when using equipment in dark surroundings. Ensure stability for telescopes and binoculars to prevent accidents.

One should align their skywatching activities with the lunar cycle to enhance the experience, keeping in mind that each celestial event is an opportunity to learn and appreciate the complexities of our solar system.

Cultural and Historical Significance

The new moon has held profound cultural and historical significance throughout various civilizations. The Chinese calendar, which incorporates a sexagenary cycle, places pivotal importance on the new moon, marking the beginning of celebrations such as the Lunar New Year. This holiday is culturally significant for Asian American communities and those in countries that follow the lunar calendar, with the new year starting on the second new moon after the winter solstice between January 21 and February 19 (CRS Reports).

  • Myths and Traditions: The new moon often intertwines various beliefs and customs. Many cultures consider it a symbol of new beginnings and a potent period for setting intentions or embarking on new projects.

In Indigenous cultures, the moon plays a significant role, with different phases, including the new moon, being integral to cultural narratives and even legal discussions concerning sea rights (The Conversation).

  • Astronomical Phases: A calendar month often contains one new moon and one full moon, with the new moon marking the start of a lunar cycle. Notably, the first full moon of each year is referred to as the “Wolf Moon,” which has its own unique set of cultural connotations.

The moon’s phases — from the new to the full moon — serve as a timekeeper for numerous cultural festivities, agricultural planning, and religious observances, exemplifying a relationship with the moon that dates back millennia. The transitions of lunar phases have historically helped societies to understand and organize time, becoming an integral part of the human experience across the globe.

The Moon’s Position in the Night Sky

The Moon’s trajectory across the night sky is influenced by its current phase and position relative to the Earth and the Sun, factors such as latitude and longitude also play a significant role.

new moon zodiac

New Moon and the Zodiac

During the new moon, the Moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun, rendering it virtually invisible against the night sky. The Moon’s association with the zodiac at this time is purely symbolic since it is not illuminated and, therefore, not observable among the constellations. As the Moon orbits the Earth, its position relative to both the northern and southern hemispheres changes, affecting its visibility and the times it appears in the sky, even in specific locations such as California or Los Angeles.

Moonrise and Moonset Times

  • Moonrise and moonset times are contingent on the Moon’s phase and the observer’s geographical location.
    • For instance, the Moon rises and sets roughly with the Sun during the new moon.
    • Conversely, during a full moon, it rises at sunset and sets at sunrise.

The latitude of a place significantly influences these times: the higher the latitude, whether in the northern or southern hemisphere, the more variable the moonrise and moonset times can be. Understanding the ecliptic, the Sun’s apparent path across the sky, can help predict the Moon’s position, given that the Moon’s orbit is closely aligned with it. Current moon phase information is crucial, especially for planning observations of other celestial bodies like Jupiter or distant galaxies, or for practical purposes such as predicting the timing of low tides.

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Frequently Asked Questions

This section answers some of the most common queries about lunar phases, specifically regarding the new moon.

1. What is the meaning of New Moon Day?

The new moon marks the beginning of a lunar cycle, occurring when the moon aligns between the Earth and the Sun, rendering it nearly invisible. It happens approximately once a month and signifies a new month in many calendars.

Beyond its astronomical significance, the new moon is culturally a time for reflection and setting intentions. It plays a role in astronomy, potentially leading to solar eclipses. As the starting point of the moon’s cycle, it lays the foundation for subsequent phases, serving as a monthly checkpoint for cultural and astronomical observations. The new moon symbolizes the intricate mechanics of our solar system and its historical role in timekeeping.

2. What to do on a New Moon – Spiritual Rituals?

  • Acknowledgment of the New Moon: Recognize the significance of the new moon as the beginning of the lunar cycle.
  • Setting the Scene for Reflection: Understand that the new moon, often invisible, provides a symbolic clean slate in the night sky’s darkness.
  • Embracing New Beginnings: The new moon is a potent time for fresh starts and the initiation of new endeavors.
  • Intention Setting: Engage in the ritual by setting specific intentions for personal goals and aspirations.
  • Utilizing Natural Rhythms: Believe that setting intentions during the new moon taps into the moon’s natural rhythm, fostering growth and positive change.
  • Period of Pause and Contemplation: The new moon is ideal for pausing, contemplating desires, and sowing seeds for future achievements.
  • Diverse Moon-Based Rituals: Engage in various rituals, such as meditation, writing down aspirations, or creating a tranquil space for thought.
  • Unifying Theme of Introspection: Recognize that moon-based rituals, despite their diversity, are unified by the theme of introspection and the establishment of a clear, focused will.
  • Aligning the Inner World with the Universe’s Energies: Understand that actions taken during the new moon aim to align one’s inner world with the expansive energies of the universe.
  • Symbolic Power of Moon’s Waxing: Appreciate that this alignment sets the stage for intentions to unfold over the coming lunar cycle, supported by the symbolic power of the moon’s gradual waxing.

Related: What to do on a full moon ritual

3. How often does a new moon phase occur?

A new moon phase happens approximately once every 29.5 days.

4. What is the approximate interval between consecutive new moons?

Due to the moon’s orbital mechanics, the interval between consecutive new moons is roughly 29.5 days.

5. How many new moons are there in a typical year?

Typically, there are twelve new moons in a year, one for each month of the lunar calendar.

6. What happens on a new moon?

The new moon marks the beginning of a lunar cycle, occurring when the Moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun, with the side facing Earth unilluminated. This phase, beyond its astronomical significance, holds cultural importance and is associated with fresh starts and setting intentions.

The new moon’s absence of moonlight makes it an ideal time for stargazing, impacting both astronomy enthusiasts and nocturnal wildlife. Overall, it symbolizes the recurring celestial dance between Earth, the moon, and the sun.


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